CONCEPT OF EPIDEMIC IN AYURVEDA: The concept of janapdodhwamsa is the situation where there is wide spread damage to the environment as well as life forms.
samprapti ghataka
Dosa- In severe case all three dosha are vitiated, with specific aggrivation of kapha dosha,
Dooshya- rasa dhatu- nutritious, fluid formes after digestion -usually in fever , rasa dhatu is directly involved.
Agni-mandha-Less digestion strength
Ama-sama-symptoms of ama- Disturbed digestion and metabolism are evident.
Srotas-pranavaha srothas-respiratory pathway, rasavaha shrothas- vital nutrient channels
Sroto dusti prakar-atipravriti- excess flow sanga- blockage
Avastha-atyayika avastha- immediate care
Site of origin-udhbhava sthana-agantuja-external factors-a virus amashaya-stomach-usually the site of origin of fever
Spread area-sanchara sthana- urdha shareera- upper part of body
Symptom exhibited area-vyakta-urdhwa shareea-upper part of th body, where kapha is naturally dominant.
Treatment for communicable diseases:
Panchakarma - five elimination therapies
(i.e. vamana (emesis),virechana( purgation), basti(enema)- niruha and anuvasana types and errhines) are considered the best. Rasayana chikitsa (rejuvenation treatment with anti ageing, immune boosting medicines) Symptomatic treatment
Non-medicinal treatment: Compassion ,truthfulness for living beings, worship of God, charity, tranquility, observance of right conduct, prophylactic protection of oneself and seeking one's own good, residing in a wholesome country,service to those observing brahmacharya (celibacy) and following it. Discussion of religious scriptures, constant association with the righteous, the well disposed and those who are approved by the elders- all this with a view to protecting life has been termed 'medicine' to those who are not destined to die in that critical time.
Principles of Corona Management with Ayurveda
For the conditions affecting pranavaha srotas(respiratory track) one has to adopt Shwasa chikitsa - the treatment recommended for Breathlessness and related disorders.
Principles of management of shwasa Main emphasis is on Vata Kapha With an emphasis on pitta sthana.
External massage with Lavana Taila or karpooradi thaila - rock salt mixed with sesame oil with Followed by nadi sweda (sweating treatment through pipes) Prastar (exposing to hot materials and inducing sweating) and Sankara sweda (bag of heated herbs used for sweating)
This treatment helps to open up clogged passages of respiratory tract. This also enables the easy movement of vata Dosha in respiratory tract.
Treatment based on
the condition of the patient
Dosha Durbala - with less strength - improving strength and immunity
Balawan - good strength
Panchakarma detoxification procedure, as the patient strength is good and he can tolerate strong procedures Kaphadhika - kapha is increased - Vamana Panchakarma Vatadhika - vata is more - Basti - Enema treatment
Possible Principles of Corona Management withTreatment Dosha Prakriti Contact
Kaphadhika and balawan - Panchakarma and rasayana prayoga (rejuvenating medicines) Durbala and vatadhika - Weak and Vata aggravated condition - tarpana - nourishing treatment
Management of dry cough:
Dry cough is a common manifestation and therefore it has to be managed with snehana (supplementation of oleaginous material). It is treated with Gritha - rasna dashamooladi gritha, vasa gritha, kantakari gritha, vidaryadi gritha etc.. Basti - Enema treatment - As relevant - mostly anuvasana Basti - oil or fat enema Ksheera - medicated herbal milk - Eg: Long pepper milk or Garlic milk Yoosha - soups added with trikatu (ginger, pepper, long pepper) spices mixed with Fat rich diet Administer foods like barley, kodo millet, finger millet, oats You slightly spice up the dishes that you consume, especially with trikatu - ginger, pepper and long pepper.
Dhoomapana -
Herbal smoking: When the dosha as are aggravated in minute quantity in respiratory tract, then they may produce a discomfort with mild wheeze (with a block in the air way there is a typical musical sound that is produced) heard. In such instance herbal smoking is very useful in reliving the block and congestion in the respiratory tract. Method of herbal smoking: Turmeric, castor leaves Laksha ( Laccifer lacca)
Do it yourself - Take turmeric and neem powder - 1 tablespoon. Mix it with a teaspoon of ghee. Burn it on hot pan and expose yourself to the fumes coming out of it.
The above are purified appropriately and then powdered and made into a wick with ghee or oil and then dhoomapana is done.
Simple combination for herbal smoking: If only a few ingredients are available then use them accordingly.
•effective and Simple we can use turmeric and along with cinnamon, cardamom and clove.
•Mix the of Powder above and then smear them on a thin cotton cloth dip it in a little of sesame ghee or oil then use It for dhoomapana (smoking).
Swedana (sweating treatment):
Local fomentation through various means when there is a chest congestion and cold nose. Fomentation can be in the form of pouring warm or hot liquids or oil (dhara). Using fermented gruel (kanji), fermented liquid (dhanyamla), takra for dhara is ideal. Oil such as marichadi thaila , chinchadi tahila, karpooradi thaila, etc is helpful. Bags of some dicots, monocots and legumes can be used for fomentation. Eg : sesame, wheat, black gram, horse gram etc they can be used dry or wet immersing them in amla dravya (kanji, dhanyamla, buttermilk)
Vamana treatment:
Madana phala yoga along with licorice, rock salt, in the form of herbal paste (lehya) for easy administration or it may be used in the form kashaya or phanta (hot infusion)
Note - If vamana is done in the absence of kapha dosa then it may lead to problems.
Management of fever: The type of fever considered here is Agantuja jwara - fever due to external causes. Here the emphasis is on vata dosha Gritha kalpana such as the indukanta gritha Sukumara gritha Kalyanka gritha are used.
Medicines used in pranavaha srotas
Talisadi churna, Sitopaladi churna - Both are very useful against cough, cold and breathing problems Karpuradi churna - improves digestion and respiratory health
Shatyadi churna - improves breathing
Dhanawantara vati, Vayu gulika - general supplement for all things related to immunity, digestion, respiration and metabolism
Shwasa kasa chintamani ras - Herbo-mineral preparation, requires doctor's prescription to take, useful in asthma, breathing difficulties, shortness of breath.
Elakanadi kashaya - Herbal decoction used in chronic bronchitis, asthma
Balajeerakadi kashaya - useful in cough, cold, asthma.
Dahamoolakatutrayadi kashaya - healthy combination of 10 roots (Dashamoola), Trikatu and Vasa (Adhadota vasica) - useful in fever, weak digestion and respiratory diseases
Dashamoolarista - useful in inflammation, joint pain, fever and respiratory diseases
Kanakasava - good broncho-dilator. improves breathing
Vasakasava, Pushkaramoolasava - Reduces cough, improves breathing, relieves chest pain, discomfort
Tamboolavalehya - Made of betel nut
Dashamoola hareetaki - eases breathing