Five Types of herbal Preparation

How can herbal Preparation be consumed?

Raw herbs are gendreally prepared according to five basic methords of extraction: the fresh juice of plant(svarasa); the crushed pulp or paste of the plant (kalka); decoction (kvatha); hot infusion(phanta); and cold infusion (hima). Juice is the strongest; cold infusion the weakest.


1.Milk Decoction 2.Powder(Churna) 3.Pills and tablets(Guti and Vati) 4.Medicated wines (Asava and Aristhas) 5.Medicated Jellies (Avalehas) 6.Medicated Oils (Siddha taila) 7.Medicated Ghee (Siddha ghrita)

Media Of Intake (Anupana)

In Ayurveda, herbal medicines are prescribed to be taken with various mediums of intake, as hot water or milk. Such vechicles for taking herbs are called anupanas.