How Can You Stay Healthy in Summer Season?






















  • Summer is
    • hot
    • bright
    • sharp

    the season of pitta.

    Thus the main recommendation

    • for everyone, especially for individuals whose prakriti is primary pitta, is to
      •  keep cool and
      • not allow pitta dosha to become aggravated.

How Can You Stay Healthy In Summer Season?

  • In the morning as part of your daily routine
    • rub 5 to 6 ounce of
      • coconut or
      • sunflower oil

      on your body before bathing.

      • Coconut oil is calming cooling and soothing to the skin.
  • Wear cotton silk clothing
    • it is cooling
    • light and
    • allows the skin to breathe.
  • Loose fitting clothes are best
    • they permit the air to pass through and cool the body.


Does Color Of Your Cloth Matter?

  • The best color to wear in hot weather are
    • white
    • grey
    • blue
    • purple and
    • green.


    • red
    • orange
    • dark yellow and
    • black

    which absorbs and retain heat and will aggravate pitta.


Which Food is Good or Bad During Summer?

  • Follow the pitta pacifying diet.

  • Good fruits for summer include
    • Apple
    • pear
    • melon
    • plums
    • prunes.
    • Watermelon
    • lime juice

    are also good in summer.

  • Try steamed
    • asparagus
    • broccoli
    • brussels sprouts
    • cucumber
    • raita
    • basmati rice.
    Khichdi made from
    • basmati rice
    • moong dal
    • little ghee
    • grated coconut

  •   Avoid   
    • sour fruits
    • citrus fruit
    • beets
    • carrots

    which are all heating.

  • Garlic
  • onion
  • chilly
  • tomato
  • sour cream
  • salted cheese

are also not recommended.

  • You can eat more salads in summer than at any other time as they are cooling,
    • but they are best eaten for lunch.

  • If you eat meat you can have some light meat
    • chicken
    • Turkey or
    • shrimp

    once a week.

    • Avoid dark meats which are heating.
  • Don't drink
    • hot water or
    • hot drinks

    in the summer.

    • Room temperature or cool drinks are best.


  • Ice and ice drinks
    • inhibits digestion and
    • creates toxins amma

    in the body it is best ever to drink them.

  • Refreshing drink is lassi.
    •  yogurt
      • 1 part
    •  water
      • 4 part

     blend 2 or 3 minutes until creamy.


  • You can add
    • roasted cumin seed
      • one fourth teaspoon
    • before blending or for a sweet flavored drink
      • add 2 tbsp sugar or
      • other sweetener and
      • one drop of rose water.
  • The juice of
    • 1/4 lime
    • cup of cool water
    • pinch of cumin powder

    is also refreshing.

  • If you drink alcohol beverage avoid
    • whisky
    • brandy
    • rum
    • red wine

    which are heating.

    Some cool beer during hot days will be alright.


Does Outside Heat Effect You During Summer?

  • Working in hot kitchen increases pitta.
    • If you cook,
      •  cook in the early morning or
      •  in the evening.
  • This is a season of generalized low energy.
    • So it is alright to take a short nap in the daytime.

  •   Never   
    • lie in the sun in the summer if the weather is very hot.
    •  Person having multiple moles should not lie in the sun.
  • Don't wear
    • shorts or
    • short sleeve

    but wear

    • loose fitting clothes to protect your skin.


Is Exercise Good During Summer?

  • Avoid strenuous exercise.
    • If you are accustomed to
      • running or
      • other vigorous aerobic exercise

      do it early in the morning at the coolest part of the day.

  • Do some
    • mild yoga
    • quiet meditation

    twice a Day.


  • Good posture for summer includes the
    • fish
    • camel
    • cobra
    • cow
    • palm tree poses.

    Pita individual should not do inverse pose such as

    • Head stand
    • shoulder stand


Which Pranayama Is Good During Summer?

  • Perform sheetali pranayama cooling breathing exercise


What Time Should You Sleep During Summer?

  • You can go to bed a little late on summer Nights
    •  around 11 p.m. or midnight.


  • Rub some
    • coconut oil on your
      • scalp
      • soles of your feet

      for a cooling effect before going to sleep.

  • Sleep on your right side.


Is Sex Good During Summer?

  • Sex should be minimize in summer,
    • as it is heating and will provoke pitta.


  • If you want to have sex
    • do it between 9 and 10 p.m.
      • when it is cooler but not yet pitta time.


What Kind of Food are Beneficial During Summer?

During the summer
  •  sun evaporates the most of the earth and therefore induce
    • hot
    • dry
    • sharp

    qualities in the atmosphere

    • resulting in pitta aggravation.

    In summer

    • sweet
    • cold
    • liquid
    • fatty food and drinks

    are beneficial.

