15 Home Remedies For Treating a Cold






















  • Usually during Spring and winter season individuals often get cold and flu.
    • The symptoms are
      • runny nose
      • cough
      • congestion
      • headache
      • an achy body and
      • sometime fever.

      And at the same time person may suffer from

      • excess vata
      • reduces gastric fire
        • leading to chills loss of appetite
  • Best remedy for cold is
    • ginger.

    Here are some simple home remedies using ginger that will relief your cold symptoms

Combine the following herbs together:
  • Ginger
    • one part
  • Cinnamon
    • one part
  • Lemongrass
    • two part

    Step 1 teaspoon of this formula

    • for about 10 minutes in one cup of hot water strain it and
    • add honey for sweetness if you like.

    If you drink this tea several times a day,

    it will help you take care of

    • cold
    • congestion and
    • flu


Another Excellent Remedy
  • Ginger
    • two parts
  • Cinnamon
    • three parts
  • Cardamom
    • just a pinch


    • 1 teaspoon in a cup of hot water
    • for 10 to 15 minutes

    When did it has cooled down somewhat, you can add

    • honey for taste
      • half to one teaspoon


  • Boil
    • 1 teaspoon ginger or
    • few eucalyptus leaves,

    put a towel over your head, and inhale the steam.

    • This will relieve congestion and help you feel much better


   Fennel Seed  

  • Try
    • half teaspoon fennel seed powder
    • mixed with 1 teaspoon natural sugar

    2 or 3 times a day.


  • For cold with cough and congestion,
    • mix half teaspoon cinnamon and
    • one teaspoon honey.

    Eat this mixture toward 3 times a day.


  • For flu make a tea from
    • one teaspoon tulsi (holy basil)
      • 1 cup water.

    Boil for just one minute and then drink.


   Vitamin C  

  • Taking some vitamin C will be beneficial.


   Natural Nose Drops  

  • Put some
    • liquefied ghee 2 to 3 drops in each nostril
      • in the morning in evening.

      This will

      • lubricate the nasal passage
      • relieve the irritation
      • sneezing of a cold

   Hot water  

  • Drinking hot water
    • several times a day

    is an effective way to remove toxins from the system.

   Dairy Products  

  • Strictly avoid dairy products such as
    • yoghurt
    • cotton cheese
    • milk
    • all cold drinks


  • Rest is very important for healing.


  • Ayurveda says that when you have a cold,
    •  it is best not to do vigorous exercise,
      • which can set up the condition for the cold to move into the chest.
    • Do some general yoga asanas.
      • Surya namaskar (sun salutation) is beneficial.
      •  The inverted posture, including
        • shoulder stand and
        • headstand hold

        for only about one minute.

      • As well as forward bend
        • help to prevent post nasal drip and
        • help to drain the mucus through the nose


Breathing Exercise
  • Use
    • breath of fire breathing exercises

    to help burn up your cold.

  • Another effective breathing exercise is is
    • deep alternative nostril breathing.


  • Take the herb
    • amalaki or Amla.

    It is a rejuvenative tonic and a good source of

    • vitamin C and
    • iron.

    Taking one teaspoon of Amla daily,

    • with warm water
      • at night

      will help to prevent the common cold.

