4 Home remedies for loss of appetite





















What Is Cause For Low Appetite?

  • Low digestive fire may be due to
    • slow metabolism, or
    • slow metabolism

    caused by low digestive fire, which affects the other.

Low digestive fire creates not only for appetite but also

  • Indigestion

  • Blotting

  • Toxins in the gastrointestinal tract

  • Coating on the tongue

  • Bad breath

  • Lack of energy is also common.


What Cause Loss Of Appetite?

  • Lack of appetite is often due to
    • continuous munching
    • combined with drinking cold drinks

    which depressed digestive fire.

     For the sake of

    • good digestion and
    • long-term health as well as
    • reviving your appetite

    both of these bad habit have to be stopped.


What Can You Do?

  • The most effective treatment for this situation
    •  don't eat
      • A short fast will help to Kindle the digestive fire.
      • Skip the breakfast and don't eat anything.

      By noon your appetite will probably return

      • you will be hungry and ready to eat.

  • If you are not hungry even by lunch time
    • take some fresh ginger
      •  chopped little into small pieces
      •  add some lime juice
      • pinch of rock salt

      chew it up.

    • That will increase digestive fire and stimulate the appetite.


Emotional Factors

  • Slow appetite may also be due to emotional factors.
    • If that is the case make a tea of


  • Ginger


  • Brahmi
  • Chamomile

    in equal proportion.

    Use one teaspoon of this mixture per cup of water

    • step for 5 to 10 minutes and drink.

  • Also take
    • triphala
      • half teaspoon

       into a cup of warm water every night before going to bed.

       for boiling water into triphala and let it cool until it is comfortable to drink.

  • This few simple major should be enough to help you regain a healthy appetite.
  • If you tried them and still don't feel like eating
    • see your doctor as lack of appetite
      • can be a symptom of more serious illness.