7 Home Remedies For Fever





















What is Cause For Fever According to Ayurveda?

Fever is a sign of toxins moving in the circulatory system.

  • Contrary some people believe
    • fever is not often a sign of infection.
    • In some cases there is infection but most of the time fever is due to
      • toxicity(ama) 

      in the plasma(rasa dhatu) in the body is basic vital tissue.

      • When the toxins (ama) has been removed a fever will subside.

Don't eat

  • there is an old saying

    • feed a cold and

    • starve fever,

    and truly the first treatment

  • For acute fever

    • total fast is recommended,

      • if the person is strong enough.

    • If a person is weak

      • drink water and some kind of fruit juice or

      • one of the herbal tea

    Don't drink milk

    • it will worsen the fever and

    •  create diarrhea.



Herbal Remedy 1

The simplest home remedy for fever is

  • cilantro juice
    • cilantro leaves
      • handful

      blend it with

      • one third cup water

      Strain out the pulp.

      • Take two teaspoon
      • three times a day

      to help lower the fever.


Herbal Remedy 2


  • Lemon grass
  • Tulsi (holy basil)
  • Fennel
  • In equal proportions.
  • For each cup use
    •  one teaspoon of mixture and
    • steep in boiling water
      • for 10 minutes

      strain and drink.

  • This is an excellent dysphonic that is is it makes you sweat which brings down the temperature .


Herbal Remedy 3

    • Coriander two parts
    • Cinnamon two parts
    • Ginger 1 part
  • Steep 1 teaspoon of this mixture in cup of hot water for 10 minutes before drinking.
  • You can drink this every few hours until the fever breaks.



Herbal Remedy 4

  • Cumin seeds
  • Coriander seeds
  • Fennel seeds
  • Mix seeds in two equal proportion.
    • one teaspoon of mixture
      • cup of boiling water
      • steep for 10 minutes

       strain and drink.



For Chronic Fever

  • Make a tea
    • holy basil (tulsi)
      • one teaspoon
    • stepped in one cup hot water
    • black pepper
      • one fourth teaspoon
    • honey
      • one teaspoon

    Take this two or three times a day.