7 Home Remedies For Cough





















What Can Cause Cough?

From an Ayurvedic perspective,

  •  most coughs are caused by excess
    • pitta or
    • kapha

    in the bronchial tree, causing

    • congestion and
    • irritation

    of the mucous membrane.


  • A tickling sensation in the
    • throat
    • dryness
    • irritation, or
    •  inflammation of the
      • trachea or
      • bronchus

    can all cause cough.


Dry Cough

  • For a dry cough or a cough without much mucus,
    •  ripe banana with
      • 1 teaspoon of honey and
      • 2 pinch of ground black pepper

    You can eat this two or three times a day.

  • Try chewing
    • ajwain
      • 1/4 teaspoon
    •  natural organic sugar
      • 1 teaspoon

Dry cough or irritation in throat may be due to

  • Slight congestion in the tonsil or
  • Congestive condition in the throat such as
    • pharyngitis or
    • laryngitis.

To relieve this condition,

  • boil one cup of milk with
    • turmeric
      • half teaspoon
    • ginger
      • 1/4 teaspoon

    making a golden yellow milk.

    • drink this at night,

     it will relieve the retention in the throat and take care of a dry cough.


Productive cough

  • For a productive cough, the simplest home remedy is
    • black pepper.
      • one fourth teaspoon of powder
    • honey
      • one teaspoon

      and eat it on a full stomach.

    If your voice is hoarse use

    •  one teaspoon of ghee instead of the honey.

    The heating quality of black pepper helps relieve congestion and drives out the cough.

    • Take this
      • two or three times a day
      • for three to five days.

  • A tea made from
    •  ginger powder
      • half teaspoon
    • pinch of clove and
    • pinch of cinnamon powder

    in a cup full of boiled water, can offer relief from your cough.

If your cough persist, try this formula

  • Grounded mustard
    • half teaspoon
  • Ginger powder
    • half teaspoon

Mixed together into

  • honey
    • one teaspoon

    and it slowly.

    • Ginger relieves congestion, and
    • mustard has a heating action.
  • You can use this mixture
    • 2 to 3 times a day
    • for as long as the cough persist.

  • Another helpful natural remedy for a productive cough is as following:
    • Bay leaf
      • half teaspoon
    • Long pepper
      • one fourth teaspoon

    Take this mixture in

    • 1 teaspoon honey
    • 3 times a day.