7 Ways to Deal with Anxiety

Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress. It's a feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come. The first day of school, going to a job interview, or giving a speech may cause most people to feel fearful and nervous.




















Do you Suffer from Anxiety?


Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress.

  • It's a feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come.
  • The first day of
    •  school,
    • going to a job interview, or
    • giving a speech

    may cause most people to feel fearful and nervous.


  • Anxiety which often is associated with
    • insomnia and
    • feeling of fear

     is due primarily to aggravation of vata dosa in the nervous system.


Relaxing bath
  • A warm bath of
    • ginger and
    • baking soda

    will help you pacify anxiety.

    • Ginger
      • one third cup
    • Baking soda
      • one third cup
    in a tub full of water.
    • Soak for 10 to 15 minutes


Almond milk

  • Almond milk helps to eliminate in anxiety.
    • Soak about 10 raw (not toasted) almond
      • overnight in water.
    • Peel off the skin
      • put the Almond in the blender.
    • Add cup warm milk.
    • While blending add
      • pinch of ginger
      • small pinch of nutmeg
      • saffron.


Orange Juice

  • For anxiety accompanied by a fast heart rate,
    • One cup
      • orange juice
    • One teaspoon
      • honey
    • A pinch of
      • nutmeg powder

      can be effective


Pressure Points

  • Make a fist with your left hand,
    • so that the finger rest in the middle of the palm.
      • Locate the point where the middle finger ends,
        • in the heart of the palm.
      • Then with the thumb of your right hand
        • press firmly on this point in the centre of your left hand.

      Press for one minute.


Relaxation Pose

  • Lie down on your back in the yoga posture
    • known as "swasana"
      • the corpse" or relaxation pose
    •  arms by your sides



  • Sitting quietly
    • focus your attention on the top of your head
      • while doing the so-hum meditation.


Oil Massage

  • Give yourself a full-body oil massage
    • Vata
      •  sesame oil
    • Pitta
      • sunflower or
      • coconut oil
    • kaphas
      • corn oil
    Use 6-7 ounce of warm (not hot) oil.
    • Massage your whole body
      • head to toe
      • massage is done before the morning bath
      • but if you have
        • high anxiety or
        • insomnia

        you can do it before going to bed.

        • A mini-massage is also effective
        • Rub some oil on your scalp and bottom of your feet.