7 Ways To Stop Overeating





















Can Emotional Factors Cause Overeating?


  • Eating in order to suppress feeling of
    • loneliness
    • grief
    • sadness 
    • depression

    is the emotional psychological cause of overeating.

  • Because of hard work
    •  specially physical labor,

    some people need to eat a large amount of food to replenish the body.

    • In such individuals over eating may occasionally occur.
    But most overeating take place because of
    • emotional factors

    and that is what we will be considering here.

  • Food nourishes the body and love nourishes the soul.
    • When you are with
      •  loving friend or
      • close family member

      you can become so happy that you forget to eat.

  • You feel no need for food at that time
    • because you receive a higher food-love.
    • when a person doesn't receive
      • love
      • happiness

      he or she becomes

      •  lonely
      • feels rejection
      Food may become the substitute for love.

  • Eating in order to suppress
    • feeling of loneliness
    • grief
    • sadness
    • depression

    is the emotional psychological cause of overeating.

Statistics shows overeating happens more in women than in men.

  • From in ayurvedic perspective
    • due to emotional factors and stress
      • stimulus jatharagni, the gastric fire

      and this stimulation activates the stomach.

      • The stimulation is translated for experienced as hunger

      and this is the reason people may eat more food.


How can you stop Overeating?


Express your feelings

  • First
    • you have to let go of your feeling of
      • loneliness and
      • not being loved.
    • Write about your feelings.
    • Express them.
    That way
    • the energy that is blocked in the solar plexus
      •  start releasing

      and emotional hunger will begin to subside.

Meditate and Breathe

  • Whenever you feel emotionally hungry
    • sit quietly and
      • pay attention to your breath.
    • Do 10 to 15 minutes of
      • So-hum meditation


  • Shitali pranayam
    • make a tube of the tongue and
      • inhale through the tube
      • into the belly
    • take 12 deep breath and
    • drink a cup of warm water.

    This will help dissolved emotional hunger and overeating can be avoided.




  • Yoga exercise such as
    • moon salutation
    • camel pose
    • cobra pose and
    • spinal twist

    will help you control over eating due to emotional factors.

  • Walk off the craving
    • whenever you have emotional craving for food,
      • take a brisk walk
      • for 20 minutes
      • in fresh air

      that will help reduce the cravings.


Eat Lightly

  • If you feel you must eat
    •  then eat some light food
      • light crackers
      • serial
      • grains such as millet
      • drink some fruit juice
  • Follow low fat diet.
    • That way you won't have to deny yourself when you feel like eating,

    but the light food wont put on weight or fat.


Eat Bananas

  • Eating one ripe banana chopped off with
    • one teaspoon ghee
    • pinch of cardamom

    is effective for pacifying emotional, obsessive eating habits.


Test Your Hunger

When you are hungry,
  •  here is one way to find out whether it is an
    • emotional craving or real biological need.
      • Drink some mint tea.
        • If it was emotional hunger the warm smoothing tea will take care of it and you will feel better.
        • If you are really hungry and need some food, the tea wont diminish your appetite.

If you have already eaten too much

  • Roast 1 teaspoon coriander seed
    • add 1 teaspoon fennel seed
      • on a heavy iron pan without any oil. (Stir constantly to avoid burning.)
    •  Add a pinch of salt,

     let the mixture cool and eat it. It will help with indigestion.