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  • According to weakness of strength of your digestive fire is known agnimadhya, which leads to ajeerna (indigestion).
    • The effectiveness of your digestion depends on
      • strength of your digestive fire Agni.

  • If your food intake is
    • large in quantity
    • heavy
    • very liquid
    • or quite dense in quality

     these properties are antagonistic to the properties of gastric fire

    •  and can slow the normal function of the Agni leading to indigestion.

  • Emotional eating
    • eating for emotional reason
      • when the system is not in need of food
      • or is given too much to comfortably digest

       is another potential cause of indigestion.

  • Third major causative factor is
    •  wrong food combining.
      •  Eating Bananas and milk
      •  melon and grain

      and other incompatible food combinations adversely affect the digestive fire leading to indigestion.

  • These various factors promote excess secretion of acid leading to
    • acid indigestion
    • heartburn
    • nausea or even diarrhea
    • fomentation of the food in
      • the stomach or
      • intestine

      may also occur leading to

      •  gas bloating
      • possible stomach ache,

      depending on the severity of the cause.


4 Ways To Increase Your Digestive Fire

The first key to prevention of indigestion is
  • to enhance the digestive fire.


  • One of the best herbs to increase digestive fire is ginger.
    • Before each
      • meal chop or grate little Fresh ginger
      • add a few drops of lime juice and
      • a pinch of salt,

      and chew it up alternatively,

      • you can simply cut a thin slice of ginger,
      • put on a pinch of salt,

      and chew that.

Bay leaf

  • Steep
    •  half teaspoon crushed or ground-up bay leaves
    • in cup of hot water
    • for about 10 minutes

    to make a tea.

    •  Add a pinch of cardamom

    and drink after eating.


  • Fasting can be beneficial to dispel indigestion.
    • Fasting not only increase the digestive fire,
      •  it also gives this digestive system a rest.
  • When you have indigestion
    • you can either observe a complete fast or try this:
      • Drink one cup of sweet fresh pineapple juice
      • with a pinch of ginger
      • a pinch of black pepper and
      • half teaspoon organic sugar
    Take this three times a day.

Onion juice

  • Take
    • 1/4 cup of fresh onion juice
    • with half teaspoon honey and
    • half teaspoon black pepper.


  • Chop up a clove fresh garlic, and
    • add a pinch of salt and
    •  a pinch of baking soda

    and eat it.

Lime juice

  • For acute indigestion,
    • squeeze a lime juice from
      •  one-fourth lime
    • in 1 cup warm water.

    Just before drinking

    • add half teaspoon baking soda

    and drink it down quickly.


10 Tips To Prevent Indigestion

  1. Don't eat
    •  unless you are really hungry.
  2. Don't eat emotionally.
    • Emotional eating can affect the digestive fire adversely.
  3. Eat
    • only two or at most three meals a day
      • breakfast
      • lunch and
      • dinner.

      Avoid snacking between meals.

  4. Avoid
    • cold and ice drinks
      • especially during or after meals.

      They cool digestive fire.

      •  For best digestion take
        • small sips of warm water during a meal.
  5. Fill your stomach
    • one third of once capacity with food
    • and one third with liquid
    • leaving one third empty.

    This maintains

    • proper digestion and
    • promotes mental clarity.
  6. Chew your food well and
    •  make sure the saliva is well mixed in.
      •  Saliva plays a major role in digestion.
  7. You can finish your meal by
    • drinking a cup of lassi.
      • This is made by
        1. 4 teaspoon of yogurt
        2. two pinch of ginger
        3. cumin powder
        4. one cup of water.
  8. Yoga posture
    • helpful for improving digestion includes
      • leg left and
      • peacock pose.
  9. You might also want to try the Ayurvedic procedure known as nauli.
  10. The pranayam breathing exercise called
    • "breath of fire"

    will help to stroke up your digestive fires.