Anger and Hostility























Anger and Hostility


  • Pitta is necessary for right understanding and,

    • but when it gets disturb or out of balance,

      •  it creates misunderstanding and

      •  wrong judgement,

        • leading to anger and hostility.

  • The aim is to bring the pita back to its normal constitutional function.

Here are several simple home remedies to cool down that hot with the and keep temper under control.




  • Perhaps most important, an person who becomes angry easily should

    • follow the pitta pacifying diet

      • specially avoiding hot

      • spicy and fermented foods

      • citrus fruit

      • sour fruit.

  • Favor simple,

    • bland food

    • cool drinks,

    • avoid alcohol and drinks with caffeine.

Keep Cool

  • It's also not recommended for people with pitta body type to

    • take steam baths

    • to get over heated from

      • exercise or

      • sports,

    •  be in too much direct sun.

Oil massage

  • Rub some

    • coconut oil on your

      • scalp and

      • on the soul of the feet.

      That will help to bring down the excess pitta.

      • You can do this every night before getting in bed

      to regularly moderate Pitta.

      • Be sure to wear some old socks and hat,

      • or put a towel on your pillow,

      to prevent the oil from staining.


Use Sandalwood Oil

  • Another simple and effective way to help balance your emotion is

    • to place a drop of sandalwood essential oil on "the third eye"

      • between your eyebrows,

      • as well as on the throat,

      •  breastbone,

      • navel,

      • temples, and

      • wrists.

      Just a small amount of oil is sufficient.


Herbal Tea

  • Chamomile

    • 1part

  • Tulsi holy basil

    • one part

  • Rose petal powder

    • two parts

    Steep half teaspoon of this mixture in one cup of hot water

    • cool it, and then drink.

     You can drink it three times a day, after each meal.


Have a Pitta Pacifying Drink

  • Into 1 cup of grape juice, add

    • half teaspoon cumin,

    • half teaspoon fennel, and

    • half teaspoon sandalwood powder.

    This cooling, pitta pacifying drink will help to

    • settle angry feelings and

    • other Pitta the symptoms such as

      • burning in the stomach.


Ghee Nasya

  • Dip little finger into a jar of plain ghee,

    • Put inside of your nostril with small amount.

    • Then gently inhale ghee upward.

    • Adding message to the brain.


Do Breathing Exercise

  • Cooling pranayam to help dissipate anger is shital pranayama.

    • Make a tube of your tongue,

    • breathe deeply

      • through your mouth

      • down into your belly,

      • hold the breath for a few seconds,

      •  exhale through your nose.

      Do about 12 repetitions.


Yoga Postures

  • Good yoga asanas for includes

    • camel,

    • cobra,

    • cow,

    • boat,

    • goat, and

    • bridge pose.

  • Avoid

    • the head stand o

    • other inverted poses such as

      • plow and

      • shoulder stand.

    • Do not perform the sun salutation,

      • do the moon salutation instead.



  • There is an ancient method of meditation

    • involves watching your every emotion come and go,

    • without either naming it or trying to tame it.

    • As the feelings arise,

      • breathe deeply,

      • exhale emotions out.