





















Chapter 2: Dinacharya Daily Routine

Dina means daily,

Charya means – regimen/routine.

This is the second Chapter of Ahstanga Hrudaya Sutrasthana – Called as Dinacharya –

This chapter includes mental, speech and physical aspects of well being, that you must follow every day.


Healthy person should get up from bed at Brahmi Muhurtha.
  • That is, before dawn, or around 45 minutes before Sun rise,
    • around 5 – 6 am.
      • Last three hours of the night – from 3 am to 6 am –

      is known as brahma muhurta.


Keeping in mind, the condition of his body,
  • the individual should pass
    • urine and faeces,
    • clean teeth with any of the twigs of herbs listed below:
      •  Arka (Calotropis procera),
      •  Vata (Ficus benghalensis),
      •  Khadira (Acacia catechu),
      •  Karanja (Pongamia pinnata),
      •  Kakubha (Terminalia arjuna).

To use the twig as tooth brush,

  •  the thickness of the twig should be

    • approximately equal to the tip of one’s little finger.

    • It should be 12 Angula length.

    • The tip of the twig should be chewed a little to make it as brush.

    • The twig should be of

      • astringent

      • pungent and

      • bitter in taste.


 Danta Dhawana Nishedha – Who should not brush teeth.

People suffering from:
  • indigestion,
  • vomiting,
  • dyspnoea,
  • cough,
  • fever,
  • facial paralysis,
  • excessive thirst,
  • ulceration of mouth,
  • heart disease,
  • diseases of eyes, head and ears.


Anjana – Collyrium

  • It is good to apply a special type of collyrium called
    • Sauveera Anjana

    to the eyes.

    It can be applied daily.


  • Rasanjana
    • aqueous extract of Berberis aristata
      •  should be applied once in a week
      •  to drain out Kapha (secretions)

      from the eyes



After collyrium application,
  • healthy person should do Navana
    • Nasya – Nasal instillation of drops
  • For this purpose
    • milk
    • herbal decoctions
    • herbal oils

    are usually used.



  • After that,
    • Gandusha – gargling with warm
      •  water
      • milk
      • herbal decoction
      • herbal oil

      should be done.


  • Dhuma –
    • inhalation of smoke from
      •  herbs and
      • spices

      should be done,

    and then betel leaves should be chewed.


Contra indication for Tambula – betel leaf chewing

Those suffering from
  • wounds,
  • bleeding diseases,
  • dryness,
  • redness of eye,
  • poisoning,
  • repeated unconsciousness,
  • intoxication
  • tuberculosis

should avoid betel leaf chewing.


Abhyanga – oil massage

Abhyanga means massage.

It should be done daily, morning.

  • It delays ageing,
  • relieves tiredness and
  • excess of Vata (aches and pains).
  • It improves vision,
  • nourishes body tissues,
  • prolongs age,
  • induces good sleep and
  • improves skin tone and complexion.

Massage should be specially done on

  • ears
  • head and
  • legs

Massage should be avoided

  • when there is increase of Kapha in the body
  • soon after Shodhana
    • Panchakarma procedure
  • during indigestion


 Vyayama – exercise

 Exercise brings about
  • lightness,
  • it improves work capacity,
  • increases digestion power,
  • burns fat.
  • It brings body into good shape.


People with

  • diseases originating from Vata and Pitta,
  • children,
  • elders,
  • people with indigestion problem

should not do exercise.

  • Exercise should be done till one’s half strength.
  • Exercise should be done compulsorily by those having full strength and who take oily food stuff, From December to May.

At the end of the exercise,

  • one should undergo mild massage
  • pressing the body parts with
    • mild to moderate pressure


Adverse effects of over-exercise:

  • Excessive thirst
  • emaciation
  • severe dyspnoea
    • difficulty in breathing
  • bleeding disorders
  • exhaustion
  • feeling of debility
    • even without any work
  • cough
  • fever and
  • vomiting

are caused by excess of exercise.

Those who indulge in

  • too much of exercise daily,
  • who keep themselves awake till late nights, regularly,
  • who walk long distances regularly,
  • who indulge in excessive sexual activities,
  • too much of laughing,
  • speaking, and
  • such other strenuous activities,

will perish, just as a lion perishes after vanquishing an elephant.


Udvartana –(powder – massage)

 Udvartana is using powder for massage.

It helps to

  • calm down aggravated Kapha,
  • helps to burn fat.
  • Udvartana also brings in
  • stability to body organs,
  • improves strength and
  • skin complexion


Snana – Bathing

Bathing improves
  • digestion,
  • acts as aphrodisiac,
  • prolongs life,
  • increases enthusiasm and strength.

It helps to get rid of

  • dirt,
  • waste products,
  • sweat,
  • tiredness,
  • excessive thirst,
  • burning sensation and
  • microbes.

Pouring warm water over the body bestows strength,

but the same over the head, makes for

  •  loss of strength of
    • hair
    • eyes.

Bath is contraindicated

for those suffering from:
  • facial paralysis,
  • diseases of the
    • eyes
    • mouth
    • ears
  • diarrhoea,
  • flatulence,
  • rhinitis,
  • indigestion
  • who have just taken food.


Sad Vritta – Good/healthy conduct:

  • Jeerne hitam mitam chaadyat
    • One should always eat,
      • only after digestion of previous food
      • in limited quantity
  • Na vegan neerayet
    •  one should not induce natural urges forcefully.
      • Example: urinating, when there is no urge to pass urine.
  • Na Vegito anya kaaryaha – one should immediately attend to natural urges, whenever they come, without being busy in other activities. One should undergo treatment to diseases as soon as possible.

Words of wisdom: Path of righteousness:

  • All the creatures are behind happiness.
  • There is no happiness, without righteousness.
  • Hence all should follow the path of righteousness.
  • Friends should be served with
    • affection and
    • good deeds,

    whereas the others (wicked) s

    • hould be kept at a distance.


 10 types of bad deeds

These ten sins pertaining to the body, speech and mind should be avoided.
  • Himsa
    • causing injury, torture etc.
  • steya 
    • stealing
    • robbing
  • anyathakama
    • unlawful sexual activity
    • desiring for others
  • paisunya
    • abusive
    • harsh speech
  • parusha vachana
    • harsh speech
  • Anruta vacana 
    • speaking untruth
  • sambhinna alapa
    • speech causing separation
    • breaking of company
  • vyapada quarrel
    • intention of harming
  • abhidya
    • jealousy
    • not tolerating good of others
  • drgviparyaya 
    • finding fault
    • misunderstanding
    • faithlessness etc.
      • with scriptures, elders etc


Of these ten, the first three are related to body, next four- related to speech and last three – related with mind.

Those who have no means of livelihood,
  • who are suffering from diseases and
  • who are afflicted with grief should be helped.
  1. Even
    • the insects and ants should be seen with respect,
      • similar to a physician
      • king and
      • guests
  2. Beggars
    • should not be disappointed
    • abused
    • objected
  3. One should be very helpful
    • even to his foes,
      • even though they are not helpful.
  4. Sampat Vipatsu Eka manaaha:
    • One should maintain a balanced mind both during calamity and prosperity.
    • One should not be envious towards wealth and happiness of others. 
  5. Kale bruyat
    • speak only on the right occasion.
  6. Hitam bruyat
    •  speak good words
    • be pleasant
  7. Mitam bruyat
    •  speak little, as per necessity
    • Do not argue,
    • do not say untrue things
  8. Purva abhibhashi
    •  be the first to greet
    • to start conversation
  9. sumukhaha
    • have a smiling face
    • susheelaha
      •  have good character
  10. karuna, mrudu
    • be courteous
    • be soft in
      • speech and
      • activity.
  11. Na Eka sukhee
    • Do not be a person who likes to be alone always.
  12. Na sarvata: vishrabdo
    • do not believe everything around you
  13. Na shankhitaha
    •  do not suspect everything around.
  14.  Do not instantly think
    • someone as your foe or
    • that he is a foe of someone else.
  15. Do not publicly talk about
    • insults that you underwent.
  16. Do not publicly talk about disaffection towards your
    •  king
    • boss
    • master
    • senior
    in today’s context
  17. Keeping in mind the nature of he people,
    •  one should deal with them in such manner as
      • bet pleasing to them
      • becoming well-versed in the art of adoring others.
  18. The sense organs
    •  should neither be strainedvery much
    • nor should they be fondled or very much.
  19.  Do not engage yourself in things
    •  that are devoid of three pursuits
      • dharma (righteousness)
      • arha, (wealth) and
      • kama (pleasure) ):
      should carry on the occupation without going contrary to them (dharma and karma).
  20. In all dealings (activities)
    • one should adopt the middle mean only,
      •  avoid extremes.


Personal hygiene:

  • Wear precious stones,
    • potent hymns and
    • herbs (kept inside amulets) on the body.
  • Walk
    • holding an umbrella
    • putting on foot wear and
    • looking straight to a distance of four arms length in front of you.
  • In case of urgent work at nights,
    • one should go equipped with
      • baton
      • head- dress and
      • an assistant
  • One should not invade on the shade of 
    • holy tree on which deities reside (or a Buddhist shrine)
    • materials (or men) of worship
    • banner and unholy thing
    • heap of ash
    • husk and dirt
    • sand dunes
    • boulders
    • places of bali
      • offering sacrifices to Gods, demons etc.
    • bathing.
  • One should not
    • swim across rivers with arms
    • should not walk facing huge fire
    • should not travel in a risky boat
    • not climb a tree doubtful of strength
    • ride on a vehicle, which is in bad condition.
  • One should not
    • sneeze
    • laugh or
    • yawn

    without covering his mouth

  • One should not
    • blow his nose
      • except for forcing out the dirty excretion
    • not scratch the ground without any reason
    • not do ugly movements of the parts of the body and
    • sit on ones own heels for a long time
  • One should stop
    • the activities of the body
    • speech and
    • mind

    before getting exhausted;

    •  should not keep his knees above for long period
      • keeping erect folded at the knee while
        • sleeping or
        • standing on the hands keeping the legs up etc.
  • One should not reside at night on
    • trees
    • meeting place of three roads
    • or places where people assemble for recreation
    • vicinity of a holy tree (or a Buddhist shrine)
    • meeting place of four roads and
    • temple, (house of god).
  • One should not reside even during daytime,
    • in a place of slaughter
    • a forest
    • haunted house and
    • burial ground.
  • No one should
    • gaze at the sun for a long time
    • should not carry heavy weight on his head
    • not see continuously objects which are
      • minute
      • shining
      • dirty and
      • unpleasant
  • One should not engage in
    • selling
    • brewing
    • free distributing or
    •  receiving of wine
  •  The person should avoid
    • direct breeze
    • sunlight
    • dust
    • snow(dew)
    • hard breeze
      • whirlwind etc.
    • should not sneeze belch
    • cough
    • sleep
    • dine or copulate in improper postures
    • should avoid the shade of a scaffold
    • places hated by the king
      • or government
    • company of wild animals
    • biting animals and those with horns
    • of mean, wicked
      • uncivilised and very intelligent persons
    • avoid quarrel with good men
    • avoid taking
      • foods
      • sex
      • sleeping
      • study and recapitulation

      at the time of meeting of the night and sunrise,

  • Avoid the food given by
    • enemies
    • given during sacrificial ceremony
      • that offered by large group of donors of different castes
    • that given by prostitutes and merchants

    one should not make sound with the body parts

    • mouth and nails,
    • nor shake the hand and hairs;

    should not move in between two (receptacles of )

    • water
    • fire and
    • the worshipful;

    should avoid the smoke of a cadaver;

    • too much indulgence, in wine (drinking),
    • believing and independence for (wicked) women.
  • For an intelligent person the world is a teacher,
    •  hence one should imitate the world after
      • carefully considering their meaning and
      • effects of such actions.
  • Compassion with all
    • living beings
    • granting of gifts
    • controlling the activities of the
      • body
      • speech and
      • mind
    • feeling of selfishness in the interests of others
      • looking after the interest of others as his own

      these are sufficient rules of good conduct

  • He, who constantly thinks of
    • how his day and night are passing and
    • adopts the right way,

    will never become a victim of sorrow
