



















  • A migraine is type of headache.

  • It may occur with symptoms such as

    • nausea

    • vomiting

    • or sensitivity to light

    In many  people,

    • throbbing pain is felt only on only one side of the head.

  • Some people who get migraines have warning symptoms, called an aura,

    • before the actual headache begins.

    • An aura is a group of symptoms, including

      • vision change.

    An aura is a warning sign that a bad headache is coming .


  • A migraine headache is result of abnormal brain activity.

  • This may be triggered by many things.

  • Migraine headache usually tend to appear between age of 10 to 45 and sometimes late in life.

  • It is seen more in women are then in men.

  • Most common food that triggers migraine headaches.

    • chocolate

    • dairy foods

    • baked goods

    • food with monosodium glutamate (MSG)

    • Food with tryamine, which includes

      • aged cheese

      • smoked fish

      • red wine

      • chicken livers

      • figs and

      • certain beans

    • Fruits

      • banana

      • avocado

      • citrus fruits

    • meat containing nitrates

      • hot dogs

      • salami

      • bacon

      • cured meats

    • onions

    • Processed,  fermented, pickled, or marinated foods

    • Peanuts, nuts and other seeds


  • The headache usually

  • A typical migraine headache is usually

    • unilateral and

    • pulsating in nature.

  • Starts as a dull ache and

    • gets worse within minutes to hours.

  • Are

    • throbbing

    • pounding or

    • pulsating.

  • Are worse on

    • one side of the head with

    • pain behind the eye or

    • in the back of the head and neck.

  • Last for 6 to 48 hours.

  • nausea

  • vomiting

  • Increased sensitivity to light.

  • Increased sensitivity to sound.


Yoga Therapy


  • Suryanamaskara

  • Shvasana


  • Ujjayi

  • Anuloma-Viloma


  • Om Mantra chanting


Diet and Lifestyle


  • light diet

  • rest

  • relaxation


  • Spicy food

  • heavy

  • cold

  • oily foods

  • avoid exposure to wind and sunlight.